no, but yes.
on the solo tour I officially unloaded every piece of merch I had on hand. it's all gone. shirts, posters, postcards, cd's, lp's, cassettes and all. while you may think that's great, the truth is, this means we are currently "out of print" on ALL of our releases. I even gave my personal copy of "All This Heaven" to Jim Sclavunos at Pianos, NYC so even I don't have a copy of it; except for the actual tapes. And so, the big question on my and other peoples' minds is: "WHO WILL RE-RELEASE THE CATALOG?" And, I say, "Aw, man, I don't even know!" We were hoping to have our "let it snow" 7" out for Christmas with a vinyl press of "Freezer-Burn in the Fever-Fields", but some unnameables dropped the ball big time on that so we've parted ways. Fortunately, I still have the tapes for those as well, so maybe these things will hit before winter ends. Thank god we never recorded "rocking around the christmas tree" for the b-side or else it'd be way too holiday-centric, and be ridiculous to release in february or whatever. So, all we can do at this point is offer you links to stream EP's and full lengths (also available for purchase) from
we'd say just go to the site and check it out on yr own, but we don't show up in their search engine for some reason, you have to search for "kaleidoscope" which, as you know, is only one-fourth of our band name.
I'm in the process of compiling old cassettes, singles, and comp-tracks for a digital download collection "Obscurio Cabinet" Which should be available online in the coming months. I have to sift through another two shoeboxes full of unmarked fourtrack cassettes and test mixes and countless other medium to get the best selection together. A somewhat daunting task in and of itself, before ultimately digitising and mastering the whole thing; while also beginning the demo process of our new material. Weird Work Ahead!
As above, so below. here are links to listen to, just in case you missed the chance to acquire the actual items. We'll keep you updated here when we find the right people to handle the reissues, or stumble upon a box of money somewhere in our travels.
these are... (2001, foxyboy records)
can and do what they will (2002, foxyboy records)
from where you were to how you got there (2005, hackshop records)
all this heaven (2006, drugs; 2007, turnstile laboratories (LP), 8MMMusik (EU))
freezer-burn in the fever-fields (2008 drugs; 2009 Yog Soggoth (cassette)